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The Prestige

The story of the film "The Prestige" tells the story of friendship and enmity magicians-illusionists Alfred and Robert. They were young and inexperienced, when their careers began. Improvement in their tricks and honing skills, followers of the Houdini started to compete among themselves for the title of best.

At the turn of XIX-XX centuries in London between friends started a real War. They are ready for everything just to find out the secrets of tricks from each other and RIP view exposing rooms. The fight went so far that in pursuit of the glory of the heroes are not afraid of risking their own lives. But its own prestige and honor above all else, even the safety of loved ones does not stop them.

Captivating storyline, cars in the world of illusions bordering the harsh reality and a brilliant cast: Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Scarlet Johansan, all detective Drama-Fantasy "The Prestige"

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