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92% 8%
11 1

Shoot 'Em Up

On the criminal Action movie "shoot 'em up" mysterious guy and desperate man Smith, who lives in his gloomy and sad past, will occasion becomes witness to several healthy guys trying to kill a pregnant woman. Smith could not remain indifferent and helps the mad quick with child to escape from a stray bullet. Young woman manages to give birth, but dies during insane shooting.

Smith saves the baby and gives it to the care of his friend is beautiful, sexual and defiant prostitute Donna Quintano, who makes his living translating into reality the most perverted fantasies of their clients. However, on the trail of a killer hired to go, Smith and Donna can not long keep an eye on the baby. To deal with the victims, Smith and Donna join forces and soon discover that got involved in a case involving secret conspiracy that leads to a very influential and high-ranking officials.
The movie "shoot 'em up" is filled with not only incredible Action scenes, car chases and most savage exchanges that film called "Ballet of bullets", as well as still and dark humor. The film keeps the viewer in suspense, hitting fast unfolding events and sounds excellent black jokes.

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